- "Darker Angel:The Second Book of Stars" (2020)
- "The Stars Dispose" (2019)
- "The Takers" (2018)
- "The Housewarming Festival" (2017)
- "The Lost War of Willow Street" (2016)
- "The Endlings" (2021)
- "Pigen i træet" (2021)
- "La Palmas spøgelser" (2020)
- "The Girl and the Ghost" (2019)
- "Pigen der så gennem tiden" (2018)
- "The Last Song of Willow Street" (2017)
Andre værker:
- "The Stars Dispose:A Novel" (2021) [Lydbog]
- "Darker Angel:The Second Book of Stars" (2021) [Lydbog]
- "The Takers" (2019) [Lydbog]
- "The Stars Dispose" (2019) [E-bog]
- "The Stars Dispose" (2018) [Lydbog]
- "The Housewarming Festival" (2017) [E-bog]
- "The Housewarming Festival" (2017) [Lydbog]