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Hvad har forfatteren Godfrey Hodgson skrevet?


- America In Our Time:From World War II to Nixon What Happened and Why (2006)

- More Equal Than Others:America From Nixon to the New Century (1999)

- The Myth of American Democracy (2009)

- Amerikas krig i Afghanistan (2010)

- The World Turned Upside Down:American Empire and the Middle East (2011)

- All Things Are Possible:The Assault on Reality (2015)

- The Atlantic:The Biography of an Ocean (2016)

- A Great Adventure:The Ascent of John F Kennedy and the Making of America (2018)

- Kinas fremtid:hvad alle har brug for at vide (2021)

Essays og artikler:

- "The End of the American Century" (2002)

- "The Trouble with America" ​​(2003)

- "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire" (2004)

- "Den nye imperialisme" (2005)

- "Demokratiets fremtid" (2007)

- "The Crisis of American Democracy" (2008)

- "The Tea Party and the Future of American Politics" (2010)

- "Det arabiske forår og det nye Mellemøsten" (2011)

- "The Rise of China and the Future of the World" (2012)

- "The Future of American Power" (2013)


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