- *En amerikansk soldat* (1889)
- *Den troende* (1904)
- *Chateau Resen* (1892)
- *The Heresy of Jackmans* (1905)
- *In Our County:A Story of Old New York* (1889)
- *Under halvmånen* (1895)
- *The Witching of Elspie'* (1893)
- *Øst og vest:Fortællinger om to kontinenter* (1897)
- *The Floating City:A Story of Chicago* (1889)
- *Millionærernes land* (1904)
- *De gamle franske romancer* (1902)
- *A B C Bunny Land; eller The Adventures of Old Man Coyote and His Three Little Rabbits in Bunny Land* (1904)
- *Bomuldshale og kløver:En fortælling for børn* (1903)
- *The Grey Goose of Hazard:An Animal Adventure Story* (1910)
- *Historien om piraten Lafitte* (1891)
- *Snakker om dyr:foredrag leveret til børn i folkeskole nummer elleve* (1895)
Litterær kritik og biografi:
- *The Mastery of Mind* (1898)
- *The Poetical Works of William Cowper:With a Biography Skitse, Prefatory Notes and Appendix* (1902)
- *Pomps and Vanities of New York Life:A Comedy* (1889)