* "No Place to Hide" (2002)
* "Blind Eye" (2003)
* "Target Acquired" (2004)
* "Frygtens pris" (2005)
* "Spionen der kom ind fra kulden" (2006)
* "The Manchurian Candidate" (2007)
* "The Bourne Identity" (2008)
* "The Bourne Supremacy" (2009)
* "The Bourne Ultimatum" (2010)
* "Legacy of Spies" (2012)
Faglitterære bøger
* "The Cameron Delusion:The Truth Behind the UK's Decline" (2013)
* "Blood and Money:Inside the BBC" (2014)
* "The Strange Death of Liberal England:How Blair and Brown Dismanted the Welfare State" (2015)
* "The Fall:The Inside Story of the Decline and Fall of the Conservative Party" (2016)
* "Systemet:Hvem styrer virkelig Storbritannien?" (2017)
* "Og hvad gør du? Hvad skete der, da jeg brugte et år på at finde et ordentligt job" (2018)
* "The Plot Against America:How Trump Lost the Election" (2019)
* "The New Authoritarianism:How the Liberal Elite Are Destroying Democracy" (2020)
* "Den store vending:Hvordan pandemien transformerede verden, og hvorfor vi har brug for en ny vej frem" (2021)
* "Spionen der elskede chokolade" (2010)
* "Spionen der kunne lide sandwich" (2011)
* "Spionen der spiste bananer" (2012)