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Hvad har forfatteren IRINA PAPERNO skrevet?


* Kvinder i russisk litteratur:fra Pushkin til Solsjenitsyn (University of Chicago Press, 1993)

* Chernyshevsky and the Aesthetics of Social Utopia (Cornell University Press, 1997)

* Selvmord som en kulturinstitution i Dostojevskijs Rusland (Cornell University Press, 1997)

* Dæmonerne i russisk og sovjetisk litteratur, teater og film:Djævelens repertoire (Brill Rodopi, 2018)

Vælg redigerede bøger og tidsskriftsudgaver

* _Kvinder og litteratur i Rusland_ (Særudgave af _Russian Literature_, 1994)

* _Chernyshevsky and His Time_ (Særudgave af _Slavic and East European Journal_, 1998)

* _Chernyshevsky's What Is to Be Done?:A Controversy Renewed_ (co-redigeret med Sarah Pratt; specialnummer af _Slavonic and East European Review_, 1999)

* _Dostojevskijs The Possessed:Critical Essays_, (red. med Kevin M. F. Platt, specialnummer af _Slavonic and East European Journal_, 2018)

* _Pushkins The Bronze Horseman:Critical Essays_, (red. med Kevin M. F. Platt, specialnummer af _Slavonic and East European Review_, 2019)

Artikler og kapitler i bøger

* "Theme of Suicide in Dostoevsky's _The Devils_", i _Dostoevsky Studies:Essays in Honor of Richard Peace_ (Evanston, Illinois:Northwestern University Press, 1993)

* "Reading and Rethinking Leskov:The Case of _The Enchanted Pilgrim_" i _Leskov:His Style and Impact_ (red. af Robert Belknap, Boulder:East European Monographs, 1995)

* "The Poetics of Political Martyrium in the Works of Chernyshevsky, Leskov and Boborykin", _Slavic Review_ (Vinter, 1996)

* "The 'Woman Question' and the Rise of Social Realism in Russian Literature," _Slavic and East European Review_ (juli 1996)

* "Chernyshevsky and Russian Utopia(s):The Political and the Aesthetic", _Slavonic and East European Journal_ (Vinter, 1998)

* "Bakhtin og russisk realisme:spørgsmålet om genre", _Ny litteraturhistorie_ (vinter 1999)

* "The Utopian Impuls and the Cultural Poetics of Suicide in Russia," _Canadian-American Slavic Studies_ (forår-sommer 2000)

* "'For Freedom, for Truth':Political Paranoia and the Poetics of Suicide in Dostoevsky's _Demons_," _Dostoevsky Studies_ (New Series, Vol. 5, 2001)

* "Djævelen i Dostojevskijs _dæmoner_", _slavisk anmeldelse_ (forår 2003)

* "Social paranoia og selvmordspolitikken i Dostojevskijs _dæmoner_," i _Dæmonerne_ af Fjodor Dostojevskij. A Norton Critical Edition (New York:Norton, 2003)

* "Utopiske visioner i Solsjenitsyns historiske prosa:_A Breath Not Taken_, _The Gulag Archipelago_, and _To Hundred Years Together_", i _Solzhenitsyn and His Time_, red. af William Husband og Erika Spivack (New York:Berghahn, 2005)

* "The Social Imagination of the Underground Woman:Notes on Dostoevsky's _Notes from Underground_ and Solzhenitsyn's _Matrena's Place_" i _Writing the Unfinished Tale:On Alexander Solzhenitsyn at 90_, red. af Caryl Emerson (New Haven:Yale Russian and East European Studies, 2006)

* "På sporet af den onde ånd:Dostojevskijs dæmon i litteratur, teater og film", _Slavic Review_ (Vinter, 2010)

* "Pushkins _Bronzerytteren_ og magtens poetik" _ Slavisk anmeldelse_ (Vinter, 2012)

* "'How Many Devils Will Come Crawling Out!':Theme of Possession and the Figure of the Devil in Russian Literary and Cultural Contexts", specialnummer af _Slavic and East European Journal_ (Forår, 2013)

* "Den 'ulykkelige bevidsthed' og djævelen:Fra Goethe til Dostojevskij" i _Den ulykkelige bevidsthed:dens forvandlinger og forsvinden_ (red. af Michael Finke, Brill Rodopi, 2014)

* "Crime and Punishment in Dostoevsky's _The Devils_", i _Crime and Punishment:A Companion_ (red. af Kevin M. F. Platt, Sheffield:Equinox Publishing, 2015)

* "Introduktion til _dæmoner_," _Norton Anthology of World Literature_, vol. E, niende udgave (New York:Norton, 2019)


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