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Hvad har forfatteren Forrest Milton Towl skrevet?


- "Romance of Reality:A New Way to See Yourself and Your World" (2022)

- "I'm Tired:Finding Rest in a World of Busy-ness" (2020)

- "The Strangeness of Life:Seeking Holiness and Hope in a Counterintuitive World" (2018)

- "The Jesus Room:Stories of Unexpected Faith and Hope" (2017)

- "Beyond Sunday:A Vision for Everyday Discipleship" (2015)

- "Stepping into the Fire:A Woman's Journey through Pain and Praise" (2015, med Karen Towl)

- "The Promise of Hope:Finding Life in Midt of Suffering" (2013)

- "Walking in the Fire:A Story of Faith and Perseverance" (2011)

- "Den store hensigtede Gud:At kende, stole på og tilbede forfatteren til din historie" (2009)

- "Al trøsts Gud:At finde fred, når vi forstår, hvordan Gud trøster" (2007)

- "Beyond Our Wildest Dreams:Reaching the Highest Goals God Gives You" (2006)

- "Forgiveness Matters:Unmasking a Powerful Path to Healing and Happiness" (2005)


- Artikler, essays og blogindlæg til forskellige publikationer og websteder, herunder "Christianity Today", "Relevant Magazine", "The Gospel Coalition" og "Patheos"


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