Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøger >> litteratur

Hvad har forfatteren Roger Ko-chih Tung skrevet?


- 1988:_solens olie_ (sololie)

- 1991:_Red Sky_ (红天)

- 2000:_The Book of the Land of the South_ (Sydens triste historie)

- 2004:_Det gamle hus_ (老屋)

- 2011:_The Unfinished_ (ufærdig)


- 1991:_The Taste of the Sea_ (Smagen af ​​havet)

- 1993:_The Rainy Day_ (regntiden)

- 1996:_The Night of the Typhoon_ (Typhoon Night)

- 1998:_The Last Leaf_ (The Last Leaf)

Esays og rapporter:

- 1989:_The Notes of Travelling around the World_ (Notes of Travelling around the World)

- 1994:_Noterne fra det nordlige land_ (Northern Journey)

- 1999:_Noterne fra den sydlige ø_ (South Island Notes)

- 2003:_Noterne fra Østbyen_

- 2007:_Noterne fra den vestlige skov_ (Western Forest Road)


- 1990:_Havets sange_

- 1992:_The Songs of the Wind_ (The Song of the Wind)

- 1995:_Jordens sange_

- 1997:_The Songs of the Sky_ (天之歌)


- 2001:_The Adventures of Little Whale_ (Little Whale Adventures)

- 2002:_The Adventures of Little Dolphin_ (Little Dolphin Adventures)

- 2003:_The Adventures of Little Penguin_ (Little Penguin Adventures)

- 2004:_The Adventures of Little Is Bear_ (The Adventures of Little Is Bear)

- 2005:_The Adventures of Little Panda_ (The Adventures of Little Panda)


- 1991:China Times Literature Award for _Red Sky_

- 1993:United Daily News Literature Award for _The Rainy Day_

- 2001:National Award for Arts for _The Book of the Land of the South_

- 2005:Wu Zhuoliu Litteraturpris for _Det gamle hus_

- 2012:Kaohsiung Award for Arts for _The Unfinished_


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