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Hvad har forfatteren Frank Yung-Harn Lin skrevet?


- Post-klassisk kinesisk samfund og verdensorden (2004)

- The Transformation of Chinese Society in Historical Perspective (2009)

- The New Imperialism:Asian Ascendency and American Decline (2016)

- Confucius in Context:Thought, Action, and Achievement in Chinese Intellectual History (2019)


- "Fra T'ang til Sung:Aristokratiets opkomst og fald i Kina" (1990)

- "The Rise and Fall of the Literati in Chinese Political History" (1991)

- "The Rise and Fall of Confucian Historiography in China" (1992)

- "Forvandlingen af ​​det kinesiske samfund i historisk perspektiv" (2009)

- "The New Imperialism:Asian Ascendency and American Decline" (2016)


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