- Materialismens etik (2021)
- From Here to Eternity:Temporal Structures in Religious Experience (2020)
- How to Be a Heideggerian:A Field Guide for Beginners (2018)
- Heidegger and the Idea of a Theological Turn:The Primacy of Praxis (2016)
- Eksistentialisme og kristen tankegang:Engagerende tankegang af Sartre, Heidegger, Buber, Tillich og Marcel (2015)
- Filosofi og det etiske liv:Exploring Questions of Right and Wrong (2013)
- Heidegger og teologi (2011)
- Heidegger og Christian Thought:Perspektiver på den religiøse betydning af hans filosofi (2011)
- Heidegger and Theology:Discerning the Divine (2008)
- Heidegger, Authenticity, and the Sacred:A Dialogue with Deconstruction and Theocentric Perspectives (2007)
- A Christian's Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time:A Companion Text for Theologians and Philosophers (2007)
- Heidegger og spørgsmålet om væren:ontologi, hermeneutik og filosofiens historie (2006)
- Faith in Dialogue:Conversations Between Christianity and Continental Philosophy (2002)
- Martin Heidegger:An Introduction to His Philosophical Project (2001)
- Heidegger's Philosophy of Being:An Exposition and Comparison with Continental Thought (2000)
- Heidegger's Analytic:The Later Heidegger and the Path of Thinking (1998)
- Heidegger and the Analytic of Existence:Crisis and Ground (1996)
- Heidegger og spørgsmålet om sprog:sprog, sandhed og meningen med at være (1994)