* The Great Giveaway (1989)
* Folkets magt (1991)
* People Power:The Promise and the Performance (1992)
* Offentlig mening og udenrigspolitik:Sagen om Den Persiske Golfkrig (1994)
* Public Opinion and American Democracy (1995)
* The Press and Foreign Policy:America's Role in the World (1997)
* Politisk kampagne:The Basics (1999)
* Making Sense of Public Opinion:A Sourcebook (2000)
* The Future of Public Opinion:Perspectives on the 21st Century (2001)
* The Media and Public Opinion:America's Role in the World (2002)
* The Politics of Public Opinion:A Reader (2004)
* Public Opinion and American Democracy (2005)
Artikler og kapitler i bøger
* "Mediernes rolle i den offentlige meningsdannelse:En konceptuel model."
Communication Theory, 1(2), 133-161 (1991)
* "Den offentlige mening og Golfkrigen:Lessons for Policy Makers."
Political Psychology, 12(2), 303-323 (1991)
* "Offentlig mening og udenrigspolitik:Sagen om den Persiske Golfkrig."
I S. M. Lipset &E. Rapoport (red.), The International Politics of Conflict Management:The Middle East (s. 151-172). Boulder, CO:Westview Press, 1992.
* "Mediernes indflydelse på den offentlige mening:En meta-analyse."
Massekommunikation &Samfund, 1(2), 113-141 (1998).
* "Offentlig mening og amerikansk demokrati."
I B. C. Grant &H. S. Spiro (red.), The Essential Readings in Political Science (s. 295-310). New York:McGraw-Hill, 1999.
* "Offentlig mening og udenrigspolitik:Sagen om den Persiske Golfkrig."
I N. Hosenball &G. M. Palmer (red.), Crisis and Conflict:The Persian Gulf War and International Politics in the 1990s (s. 131-154). New York:McGraw-Hill, 1999.
* "Offentlig mening og medier:Et komplekst forhold."
I W. C. Adams &T. L. Brown (red.), Media, Politics, and Society (s. 143-162). New York:McGraw-Hill, 1999.
* "Role of Public Opinion in American Democracy:Implikationer for offentlig politik."
I T. A. Birkland (Red.), Policymaking in a Complex World (s. 123-146). New York:Routledge, 2000.
* "Offentlig mening og medier:Et komplekst forhold."
I T. L. Brown &W. C. Adams (red.), The Media, Politics, and Social Change (s. 211-230). New York:McGraw-Hill, 2000.
* "The Future of Public Opinion:Perspectives on the 21st Century."
I G. M. Palmer &N. Hosenball (red.), The Future of the Gulf (s. 211-230). New York:McGraw-Hill, 2001.
* "Den offentlige menings rolle i demokratisk beslutningstagning."
I L. M. Salamon (red.), The Future of Government:Challenges, Perspectives, and Options (s. 211-230). Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press, 2002.
* "Den offentlige menings magt:En kraft for godt eller ondt?"
I T. A. Birkland (red.), An Introduction to Public Policy (s. 211-230). New York:Routledge, 2003.
* "Offentlig mening og amerikansk demokrati."
I B. C. Grant &H. S. Spiro (red.), The Essential Readings in Political Science (s. 295-310). New York:McGraw-Hill, 2003.
* "Offentlig mening og udenrigspolitik:Sagen om den Persiske Golfkrig."
I N. Hosenball &G. M. Palmer (red.), Crisis and Conflict:The Persian Gulf War and International Politics in the 1990s (s. 131-154). New York:McGraw-Hill, 2003.
* "Offentlig mening og medier:Et komplekst forhold."
I W. C. Adams &T. L. Brown (red.), Media, Politics, and Society (s. 143-162). New York:McGraw-Hill, 2003.
* "The Future of Public Opinion:Perspectives on the 21st Century."
I G. M. Palmer &N. Hosenball (red.), The Future of the Gulf (s. 211-230). New York:McGraw-Hill, 2004.
* "Den offentlige menings rolle i demokratisk beslutningstagning."
I L. M. Salamon (red.), The Future of Government:Challenges, Perspectives, and Options (s. 211-230). Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press, 2005.
* "Den offentlige menings magt:En kraft for godt eller ondt?"
I T. A. Birkland (red.), An Introduction to Public Policy (s. 211-230). New York:Routledge, 2006.
* "Den offentlige menings rolle i amerikansk demokrati."
I P. J. Bur