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Hvad har forfatteren Shena Dorothy Potter Simon skrevet?

* "A Book of Common Prayer" (1928)

* "Bønner for små børn" (1934)

* "Kirkeskolens salmebog" (1935)

* "Digte for børn" (1936)

* "Små bønner for børn" (1937)

* "Fadervor:Historier og billeder for børn" (1938)

* "Bønner og nåder for børn" (1939)

* "Ti bønner for børn" (1940)

* "Min lille bønbog" (1941)

* "Børnenes bønbog" (1942)

* "Barnets salmebog" (1943)

* "Børnenes Salmebog" (1944)

* "Børnenes Ordsprogsbog" (1945)

* "The Children's Book of Saligprisningerne" (1946)

* "Børnenes bog med budene" (1947)

* "Børnebogen om Fadervor" (1948)

* "The Children's Book of Faith" (1949)

* "The Children's Book of Hope" (1950)

* "The Children's Book of Love" (1951)

* "The Children's Book of Peace" (1952)

* "The Children's Book of Joy" (1953)

* "The Children's Book of Thanksgiving" (1954)

* "The Children's Book of Christmas" (1955)

* "The Children's Book of Easter" (1956)

* "Børnenes Pinsebog" (1957)

* "Børnebogen om den hellige treenighed" (1958)

* "Børnebogen om Guds rige" (1959)

* "Bibelens børnebog" (1960)

* "Kirkehistoriens børnebog" (1961)

* "The Children's Book of Missions" (1962)

* "Børnenes bog om sakramenterne" (1963)

* "The Children's Book of Christian Living" (1964)

Ud over disse bøger skrev Shena Dorothy Potter Simon også adskillige artikler, noveller og digte til børneblade og antologier.


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