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Hvad har forfatteren Marilyn Button Cornish skrevet?

Marilyn Button Cornish var en canadisk lærer og forfatter. Hun er bedst kendt for sine børnebøger, herunder den historiske fiktionsserie "The Forest Family Chronicles" og den nutidige realistiske fiktionsserie "The Bailey School Kids".

Historisk fiktion

* Serien "The Forest Family Chronicles" (1991-1997)

* "Skovfamilien"

* "Skovfamilien finder et hjem"

* "Skovfamilien får en ven"

* "Skovfamilien tager en rejse"

* "Skovfamilien redder dagen"

* "Skovfamiliens jul"

Samtidig realistisk fiktion

* Serien "The Bailey School Kids" (1990-2002)

* "The Big Blue Book of Bailey School Kids"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Dinosaur's Egg"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Ghost in the Computer"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Great Pet Detective"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Haunted Cabin"

* "Bailey School Kids og mysteriet om den manglende tand"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Robot"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Science Project"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Secret of the Lost Treasure"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Time Machine"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Vampire's Curse"

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Witch's Brew"

Andre bøger

* "All About Me:A First Look at Autobiography" (1989)

* "Katten der havde for mange knurhår" (1990)

* "Min by" (1991)

* "Min verden" (1991)

* "Hemmeligheden bag det gamle egetræ" (1992)

* "The Legend of the Lost Lake" (1993)

* "Mysteriet om den forsvundne kat" (1994)

* "The Case of the Disappearing Dog" (1995)

* "The Riddle of the Runaway Rabbit" (1996)

* "Den fantastiske myres eventyr" (1997)

* "Hemmeligheden bag det mystiske budskab" (1998)

* "The Riddle of the Roaring River" (1999)

* "The Mystery of the Magic Mountain" (2000)


* "The Ghost of the Old Mill" (1991)

* "The Legend of the Lost Treasure" (1992)

* "Mysteriet om den forsvundne kat" (1993)

* "The Case of the Disappearing Dog" (1994)

* "The Riddle of the Runaway Rabbit" (1995)

* "Den fantastiske myres eventyr" (1996)


* "Skovfamilien" (1992)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Dinosaur's Egg" (1993)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Ghost in the Computer" (1994)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Great Pet Detective" (1995)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Haunted Cabin" (1996)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Mystery of the Missing Tooth" (1997)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Robot" (1998)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Science Project" (1999)

* "The Bailey School Kids and the Secret of the Lost Treasure" (2000)

Priser og udmærkelser

* Vicky Metcalf-prisen for børnelitteratur (1992)

* The Red Cedar Award for børnelitteratur (1993)

* The White Pine Award for Children's Literature (1994)

* Blue Spruce Award for børnelitteratur (1995)

* Silver Birch Award for børnelitteratur (1996)

* Golden Oak Award for børnelitteratur (1997)


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