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Hvad har forfatteren Stephanie L Dubois skrevet?


- *No Ordinary Soldier:The Story of Sergeant Reckless and the Marines Who Loved Her* (2019)

- *The Devil's Triangle:The Bermuda Triangle and the Great Circle of Atlantis* (2018)

- *Spionen på taget* (2016)

- *Flying Through Fire* (2015)

- *In Pursuit of Poison:Kill Kill Kill* (2014)

- *Beneath a Scarlet Sky:A Novel of the Italian Resistance* (2011)

- *Magdalena:En roman baseret på Maria Magdalens liv* (2010)

- *The Last Promise:A Novel of Forgiveness and Second Chances* (2009)

- *Kunsten at overleve* (2008)

- *Retssagen* (2007)

- *Søsterskabets hemmeligheder* (2006)


- "Christmas at Grace Hill" (2012)

- "Grace Notes" (2013)

- "Juletoget" (2014)


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