Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøger >> Forfattere

Hvad har forfatteren Ruth Orbach skrevet?


- Fat is a Feminist Issue:The Essential Ruth Orbach (1978)

- On Eating (bidragyder) (1990)

- The Impossibility of Sex:An Essay on Nature and Culture (1983)

- Hunger for More:Compulsive Overeating and the Search for Self (1989)

- Aging:A Feminist Perspective (redaktør) (1989)

- The Body Project (redaktør) (1991)

- Building Self-Esteem:A Feminist Approach (1995)

- Embodiment:Contributions of Women Philosophers (redaktør) (1997)

Akademiske tidsskriftsartikler

- "The Fat Problem:A Feminist Look" (1974)

- "Mod en psykologi af kvinder" (1976)

- "The Imposibility of Sex:A Philosophical Note" (1978)

- "The Hungry Self:Women, Eating and Identity" (1981)

- "The Body Project" (1991)

- "Building Self-Esteem:A Feminist Approach" (1995)

- "Embodiment:Contributions of Women Philosophers" (1997)


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