- Soundings (1909)
- Den komplette bog om havearbejde (1909)
- Den komplette gartner (1910)
- Principperne for havedesign (1911)
- Den lille klippehave (1912)
- Rosenhaven (1912)
- Vandhaven (1913)
- Bogen om havemøbler (1914)
- The Book of the Flower Show (1914)
- The Book of Topiary (1914)
- The Making of a Garden (1915)
- Begynderens havebog (1916)
- Den praktiske havebog (1916)
- Grøntsagshaven (1917)
- Frugthaven og frugthaven (1917)
- The Book of Hardy Flowers (1918)
- The Book of Shrubs (1918)
- Træernes Bog (1918)
- Staudernes Bog (1919)
- The Book of Annuals (1919)
- The Book of Bulbs (1919)
- The Book of Water Plants (1919)
- The Book of Ferns (1919)
- The Book of Mosses (1919)
- The Book of Lichens (1919)
- Svampebogen (1919)
- Insekternes Bog (1919)
- Fuglenes bog (1919)
- Dyrenes Bog (1919)
- Fiskenes bog (1919)
- The Book of Reptiles (1919)
- Amfibiernes bog (1919)
- The Book of Geology (1919)
- The Book of Astronomy (1919)
- The Book of Physics (1919)
- The Book of Chemistry (1919)
- The Book of Biology (1919)
- Zoologiens bog (1919)
- The Book of Botany (1919)
- The Book of Anatomy (1919)
- The Book of Physiology (1919)
- Hygiejnebogen (1919)
- The Book of Medicine (1919)
- The Book of Surgery (1919)
- Sygeplejebogen (1919)
- Tandlægebogen (1919)
- Bogen om veterinærmedicin (1919)
- The Book of Pharmacy (1919)
- Lovbogen (1919)
- The Book of Politics (1919)
- The Book of Economics (1919)
- The Book of Sociology (1919)
- Antropologiens bog (1919)
- The Book of Psychology (1919)
- The Book of Philosophy (1919)
- The Book of Religion (1919)
- The Book of the Bible (1919)
- The Book of Shakespeare (1919)
- The Book of English Literature (1919)
- The Book of American Literature (1919)
- Bogen om fransk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om tysk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om italiensk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om spansk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om russisk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om kinesisk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om japansk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om indisk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om persisk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om arabisk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om hebraisk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om græsk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om romersk litteratur (1919)
- Bogen om antikkens historie (1919)
- Bogen om middelalderhistorie (1919)
- Bogen om moderne historie (1919)
- The Book of American History (1919)
- The Book of European History (1919)
- The Book of Asiatic History (1919)
- Bogen om afrikansk historie (1919)
- The Book of Australian History (1919)
- The Book of New Zealand History (1919)
- The Book of Canadian History (1919)
- The Book of South African History (1919)
- The Book of Indian
- "The Call of the Veldt" (1905)
- "De svages styrke" (1906)
- "Tigerens spor" (1907)
- "Ørkenens stemme" (1908)
- "Allahs Have" (1909)
- "Islams flamme" (1910)