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Hvad har forfatteren Anna Andreevna Spagis skrevet?


* _Children of the White Goddess:The Hidden History of the Druids_ (1995)

* _The Witches' Bible:The Complete Guide to Witchcraft and the Wiccan Religion_ (1997)

* _The Lost Circle:A Complete History of the Witches of Great Britain and North America_ (1999)

* _The Book of Shadows:A Celtic Year of Witchcraft_ (1999)

* _The Coven:A Witchcraft Grimoire_ (2000)

* _Druidens håndbog_ (2001)

* _The Book of Spells:A Handbook of Rituals and Charms_ (2002)

* _The Oracle of the Moon:A Book of Divination_ (2003)

* _Heksedronningens Tarot_ (2004)

* _The Healing Herbs Bible_ (2011)

* _The Spiritual Herbal_ (2012)

* _The Book of Practical Herbal Magic_ (2013)

* _The Magical Herbal Oracle Deck_ (2014)


* Heksedronningen Tarot

* Druide Tarot

* Den grønne heks Tarot

* Skyggedronningen Tarot

* Den hellige skov tarot

* Crystal Oracle Tarot

* Wildwood Tarot

Andre værker

* Bidragyder til _The Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft_ (2002)

* Bidragyder til _The Encyclopedia of Magic and the Supernatural_ (2003)

* Bidragyder til _The Encyclopedia of the Occult_ (2004)

* Bidragyder til _The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft_ (2006)


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