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Hvad har forfatteren Alan Fensin skrevet?


- "En vred dværg og 200 skeletter"

- "The Book of Crits:Dungeons and Dragons Supplement"

- "D20 Menace Manual:Dungeons and Dragons Supplement"

- "The Book of Templates:Dungeons and Dragons Supplement"

- "The Book of Heroic Races:Dungeons and Dragons Supplement"

- "Fantasy Crafting Supplement:Dungeons and Dragons Supplement"

- "Navnebog"

Dungeons and Dragons-moduler:

- "Return to the Keep on the Borderlands"

- "Ederkoppegudens tempel"

- "Sunless Citadel"

- "Forge of Fury"

- "Den forsvundne by"

- "Drow of the Underdeep"

- "Thunderspire Labyrinth"

- "Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan"

- "Den forsvundne by"

- "Underbjergets ruiner"

- "Ekspedition til underbjerget"

- "Ekspedition til ruinerne af Sholomance"

- "Mod krybdyrgudens kult"

- "Tilbage til White Plume Mountain"

- "Mesterens hvælving"

- "Den glemte dronnings grav"

- "The Keep on the Shadowfell"

- "Citadellet ved tidens ende"

- "Ind i de forbudte lande"

- "Dark Sun:The Black Road:2nd Edition"


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