- "Reefgalskab:Charles Darwin, Alexander Agassiz og korallernes betydning" (2008)
- "The Last Secrets:The Final Mysteries of the Universe" (2009, medforfatter med John Gribbin)
- "The Quantum Universe:Everything That Can Happen Does Happen" (2011, medforfatter med John Gribbin)
- "The Hidden Life of the Universe:A Journey into the Wild Side of Reality" (2013, medforfatter med John Gribbin)
- "The Universe Within:From Quantum Soup to Consciousness" (2015, medforfatter af John Gribbin)
- "Fremtidens fysik:Hvordan videnskaben vil forme vores verden" (2017, medforfatter med Michio Kaku)
- "The Planet Remade:How Geoengineering Could Change the World" (2021)
Artikler og essays:
- "The Quantum Computer:A New Kind of Machine" (Scientific American, 2011)
- "The Mystery of the Missing Baryons" (Scientific American, 2012)
- "The Dark Side of the Universe" (Scientific American, 2013)
- "The Quantum Weirdness of Reality" (Scientific American, 2014)
- "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" (Scientific American, 2015)
- "The Future of Artificial Intelligence" (Scientific American, 2016)
- "The Climate Crisis and the Future of Humanity" (Scientific American, 2017)