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Hvad har forfatteren Luann Habegger Martin skrevet?


* Julekarrusellen (2009)

* The Christmas Promise (2010)

* The Christmas Blessing (2011)

* The Christmas Wish (2012)

* The Christmas Angel (2013)

* Julerejsen (2014)

* The Christmas Hope (2015)

* Julestjernen (2016)

* Julebarnet (2017)

* Julelyset (2018)

* The Christmas Joy (2019)

* The Christmas Grace (2020)

* The Christmas Love (2021)

* The Christmas Hope (2022)

* The Christmas Legacy (2023)


* The Christian Writer's Manual of Style (2003)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Research (2005)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Publishing (2007)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Marketing (2009)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Social Media (2011)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Blogging (2013)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Podcasting (2015)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Online Writing (2017)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to the Writing Life (2019)

* The Christian Writer's Guide to Building a Platform (2021)


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