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Hvad har forfatteren Thomas Spielkamp skrevet?


* Mit liv i en bog:En historie om selvet i den tyske oplysningstid

* Agenturets forfatning:1800-tallets filosofi og oprindelsen af ​​moderne autonomi

* Frihed, autonomi og selvbestemmelse i den tyske oplysningstid:Kant, Herder og Fichte

Artikler og kapitler i bøger

* "The Constitution of Agency in the German Enlightenment:Kant's Doctrine of Transcendental Apperception," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 33 (2002):53-87.

* "Herder's Philosophy of Agency," Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2003):533-54.

* "Kant, Herder, and the Birth of Modern Autonomy," i The Cambridge Companion to Autonomy, redigeret af Melissa Lane, 113-28. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2013.

* "Fichte's Idealist Anthropology:Autonomy, Self-determination, and the 'I," i Fichte's Philosophy of Nature and Science:New Perspectives, redigeret af Christopher Yeomans og Aaron Garrett, 117-36. Berlin:De Gruyter, 2018.

* "The Moral Constitution of Autonomy in the German Enlightenment," i Autonomy and the Self, redigeret af Jonathan Webber og Michael McKenna, 165-88. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2018.

* "The Kantian Roots of Modern Autonomy:The Role of Transcendental Philosophy in the Genealogy of the Modern Ethical Subject," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 61 (2020):21-30.


* Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Om forskellen mellem Fichtes og Schellings filosofisystem, overs. Thomas Spielkamp. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2018.


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