- *100 bedste måder at motivere enhver:Secrets of Effective Leadership* (med David Demian, 1998)
- *Effektiv disciplin:50 sikre strategier for bedre opførsel* (med David Demian, 2001)
- *Creating the Ideal School:50 Best Practices for Success* (med David Demian, 2003)
- *Bemyndigelse af elever med karakter:Hvad enhver skole og forældre skal vide* (med Dave Dillon og Richard C. Williams, 2006)
- *The Leader in Me:How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time* (med Sean Covey, 2008)
- *Leading Through a Lens of Character* (med Dave Dillon, 2011)
- *The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People:Powerful Lessons in Personal Change* (med Stephen R. Covey og Sean Covey, 2012)
Artikler og kapitler:
- "Character Education:A Call to Action" i *Educational Leadership* (maj 2006)
- "The Leader in Me:A Conversation with Douglas B. Coe" i *Education Week* (september 2008)
- "Leading Through a Lens of Character" i *Principal Leadership* (december 2010)
- "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:A Guide for Educators" i *Edutopia* (marts 2013)
- "The Value of Character Education" i *The Huffington Post* (maj 2013)
Rapporter og undersøgelser:
- *Hvordan karakteruddannelse undervises i skoler* (Education Development Center, 2005)
- *Best Practices in Character Education:A Literature Review* (Character Education Partnership, 2006)
- *Teaching Character:A Practical Guide for Schools and Parents* (Character Education Partnership, 2008)
- *Character Education in America's Schools:A Status Report* (Character Education Partnership, 2010)
- *The Leader in Me:A Follow-up Study on the Implementation and Impact of the Leader in Me Process in Schools* (FranklinCovey Education, 2013)