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Hvad har forfatteren Wally Bilyeau skrevet?


- _RoboSauce_ (2009)

- _RoboSauce:Rise of the Nanobots_ (2012)

- _The Last Shot:A Novel of WWII Pacific Theatre_ (2014)

- _The Last Stand_ (2020)

- _Den sidste krig_ (2020)

- _Det sidste lys_ (2021)


- _100 Days of Solitude:One Man's True-Life Journey to the Outer Limits of Isolation_ (2013)

- _The Lost Boy:A Memoir_ (2016)

- _Living at the Edge of the World_ (2022)

Essays og noveller

- "Den dag, da verden blev mørk" (2011)

- "The Last Stand" (2012)

- "Den sidste krig" (2013)

- "Det sidste lys" (2014)

- "100 Days of Solitude:One Man's True-Life Journey to the Outer Limits of Isolation" (2015)

- "The Lost Boy:A Memoir" (2017)

- "Living at the Edge of the World" (2023)


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