* Pigen med de grønne øjne (2011)
* The Unforgiving Sands (2012)
* Elfenbensbyen (2013)
* Himlens sten (2015)
* Stormens børn (2016)
* Solens døtre (2017)
* Heirs of the Dawn (2018)
* The Last Oracle (2019)
* The Darkest Age (2020)
* The Brightest Light (2021)
* Den evige flamme (2022)
* Den forsvundne prins (2014)
* The Shadow Throne (2016)
* The Blood of the Oracle (2017)
* The Wrath of the Sun (2018)
* Månens skæbne (2019)
* The Dawn of Darkness (2020)
* Historier fra stormen (2016)
* Tales from the Dawn (2018)
* Legends from the Light (2020)
Andre værker
* Rias Johann Van Wyks bog om fantasivæsener (2017)
* The Complete Chronicles of the Storm-serien (2022)