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Hvad har forfatteren Raymond Mirrer skrevet?


- On a Stormy Night (1990)

- The Night of the Burning (1992)

- The Shadow Man (1994)

- The Devil's Playground (1996)

- The Resurrection Spell (1998)

- Knogleheksen (2000)

- The Vampire's Kiss (2002)

- The Ghouls Feast (2004)

- Varulvens forbandelse (2006)

- Mumiens hævn (2008)

- The Frankenstein Monster (2010)

- Den usynlige mand (2012)

- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (2014)

- The Phantom of the Opera (2016)

- The Picture of Dorian Gray (2018)


- Gyserlitteratur (1988)

- American Gothic (1992)

- Historien om den gotiske roman (1995)

- Edgar Allan Poe:A Biography (1998)

- H.P. Lovecraft:A Biography (2001)

- Stephen King:A Biography (2004)

- The Evolution of Horror (2006)

- De 100 bedste gyserromaner (2008)

- The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe (2010)

- De bedste gyserhistorier nogensinde skrevet (2012)

- De bedste amerikanske horrorhistorier (2014)


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