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Hvilke priser vandt 30 Seconds to Mars?

30 Seconds to Mars har vundet adskillige priser gennem deres karriere, herunder:

- 2007 MTV Europe Music Awards:Bedste rock

- 2010 MTV Video Music Awards:Bedste alternative video ("Kings and Queens")

- 2011 MTV Video Music Awards:Bedste rockvideo ("Closer to the Edge")

- 2013 MTV Video Music Awards:Bedste alternative video ("Up in the Air")

- Billboard Music Awards 2014:Top rocksang ("Up in the Air")

- 2015 iHeartRadio Music Awards:Årets bedste alternative rocksang ("Walk on Water")

- Alternative Press Music Awards 2017:Bedste liveband

- Lo Nuestro Awards 2018:Årets pop-/rocksang ("Rescue Me")

Ud over disse priser er 30 Seconds to Mars også blevet nomineret til adskillige andre priser, herunder Grammy Awards og Brit Awards.

Award Shows

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