* Den grå bog (2006)
* Den røde bog (2007)
* Den sorte bog (2008)
* Den grønne bog (2009)
* Den hvide bog (2010)
* Den blå bog (2011)
* Den gule bog (2012)
* Den orange bog (2013)
* Den lilla bog (2014)
* Den brune bog (2015)
* Sølvbogen (2016)
* Guldbogen (2017)
* Diamantbogen (2018)
* The Ruby Book (2019)
* The Emerald Book (2020)
* The Sapphire Book (2021)
* Ametystbogen (2022)
* Kunsten at skrive (2014)
* The Business of Writing (2015)
* The Future of Writing (2016)
* The Psychology of Writing (2017)
* The Science of Writing (2018)