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Hvad har forfatteren John Renshaw skrevet?


- "1979:Året der ændrede alt" (2019)

- "At ændre kirken:Pave Frans og katolicismens fremtid" (2017)

- "The Art of the Steal:How Economic Inequality Distorts the Talent Market" (2016)

- "The Prince of Darkness:Christian Dominion and American Politics" (2016)

- "High Priests of Waste:How Big Medicine Bankrupts America and What We Can Do About It" (2015)

- "Den store omvending:Hvordan Vesten fødte kommunisme og kapitalisme" (2014)

- "Offentlige hemmeligheder, offentlige løgne:CIA og hemmeligholdelsens kultur" (2014)

- "Going South:US and Latin American Policy from FDR to the Present" (2013)

- "Hvid røg:Vatikanet og pave Johannes Paul I's død" (2013)

- "Vores fælles rigdom:Den skjulte økonomi, der gør forandring mulig" (2012)

- "The Money-Makers:Hvordan bankfolk og hedgefondsforvaltere tjener deres millioner og hvordan man investerer ved siden af ​​dem" (2011)

- "The Philosophy of Money:The New Science of Wealth" (2010)

- "God and Mammon:Chronicles of American Church and State" (2010)

- "The End of the West:The Decline of the American Empire" (2008)

- "The War on Christianity:How the Religious Right Is Destroying America" ​​(2007)

- "Inside Man:The Life of Pete Wilson, guvernør i Californien og den republikanske revolution i 94" (2006)

- "West of Eden:The Enduring Influence of the American West on American Culture" (2005)

- "No Way to Live:The Political Economy of Homelessness" (2003)

- "High Priests of Waste:How Big Medicine Bankrupts America and What We Can Do About It" (2002)

- "The Color Line:Legacy for the Twenty-First Century" (2001)

- "High Priests of Waste:How Big Medicine Bankrupts America and What We Can Do About It" (1998)

- "In the Shadow of the American Dream:The Diaries of Richard Rodriguez" (1993)

- "The Money Culture" (1992)

- "The Art of Power:Syv kilder til personlig og professionel succes" (1991)


- "The End of the American Dream" (The New Republic, 2019)

- "Kan paven ordne kirken?" (The New York Times, 2018)

- "Den rigtige pave Frans" (Den Nye Republik, 2017)

- "The Economic Case for Reparations" (The New York Times, 2016)

- "Hvordan de rige stjæler fra de fattige" (Den Nye Republik, 2015)

- "The High Priests of Waste" (The New York Times, 2015)

- "Den store inversion:Hvordan Vesten fødte kommunisme og kapitalisme" (Den Nye Republik, 2014)

- "Offentlige hemmeligheder, offentlige løgne" (The New York Times, 2014)

- "Going South:US and Latin American Policy from FDR to the Present" (The New Republic, 2013)

- "White Smoke:Vatikanet og pave Johannes Paul I's død" (The New York Times, 2013)

- "Vores fælles rigdom:Den skjulte økonomi, der gør forandring mulig" (Den Nye Republik, 2012)

- "The Money-Makers" (The New York Times, 2011)

- "The Philosophy of Money" (Den Nye Republik, 2010)

- "God and Mammon:Chronicles of American Church and State" (The New York Times, 2010)

- "The End of the West" (Den Nye Republik, 2008)

- "Krigen mod kristendommen" (The New York Times, 2007)

- "Inside Man:The Life of Pete Wilson, guvernør i Californien og den republikanske revolution i 94" (The New Republic, 2006)

- "West of Eden:The Enduring Influence of the American West on American Culture" (The New York Times, 2005)

- "No Way to Live:The Political Economy of Homelessness" (The New Republic, 2003)

- "High Priests of Waste:How Big Medicine Bankrupts America and What We Can Do About It" (The New York Times, 1998)

- "The Color Line:Legacy for the Twenty-First Century" (The New Republic, 1993)

- "The Money Culture" (The New York Times, 1992)

- "The Art of Power" (Den Nye Republik, 1991)


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