- _Beyond a Hopeless Game:The New German Cinema and It Fiftyth Anniversary_ (medredaktør, 2005)
- _The Films of Wim Wenders:Beyond the Surface_ (2002)
- _American Dream:History and Ideology in the Hollywood Film fra 1920'erne til 1970'erne_ (1997)
- _Fassbinders Tyskland:Historie, identitet og kulturel forskel_ (1992)
- _Læsning af tysk film:tekster og sammenhænge_ (medredaktør, 2005)
- _Screening History:Tyske film fra Pabst til Fassbinder_ (1989)
Bidrag til kollektive bind
- "'Jeg skal skabe et nyt Tyskland!' Hitler and the Third Reich in Contemporary German Cinema," i _Hollywood as Mirror:American Cinema Reflects the World Today_ (2004)
- "Cinema in and of Weimar Germany," i _The Weimar Republic Sourcebook_ (1994)
- "Hollywood and the Third Reich," i _The Cambridge History of American Foreign Policy:Vol. 3, Det tyvende århundrede_ (1995)
- "Beyond Hollywood," i _The Encyclopedia of European Cinema_ (1995)
- "A History of German Film," i _Cinema:A Critical Dictionary, Vol. 1:De store filmskabere_ (1995)
Artikler i videnskabelige tidsskrifter
- "The Third Reich in Contemporary German Cinema:Some Reflections on the Recent Debate," _New Review of Film and Television Studies_ 1, no. 1 (2003), 39-56
- "Fra 'Nation of Victim' til 'Nation of Perpetrators:' The Changing Discours on National Identity in German Media and Film," _South Central Review_ 18, nr. 2 (2001), 21-39
- "The Un-European Films:East German Cinema and Hollywood," i _Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy_, Vol. 28, nr. 3 (2001), 173-189
- "Repræsentationen af Weimarrepublikken i tysk film," _New German Critique_ 78 (2000), 139-159
- "Reimagining Germany in Three Post-Wall German Films:_Das Versprechen_, _Die Stille nach dem Schuss_ og _Lola rennt_," _Comparative Literature Studies_ 35 (1998), 1-24
- "Nationale fortællinger:Tyskland og det tredje rige i _Hitlerjunge Salomon_, _Stalingrad_ og _Der Untergang_," _German Quarterly_ 70 (1997), 403-418
- "Østtysk biograf genopdaget," _Syd og lyd_ (december 1989), 24.-27.