* The Power to Pull a String:The Making of a Presidential Puppet Master (2016)
* Vi er overalt:Protest, magt og stolthed i historien om queer befrielse (2022)
* "Stonewall:The Other Story" (2015), The Nation
* "The Gay Liberation Front and the Roots of Pride" (2017), The Guardian
* "Vigtigheden af at være ude" (2019), The New York Times
* "The History of Pride:A Timeline" (2020), Time
* "The Future of Pride:What We Can Learn from the Past" (2021), The Advocate
* "Kommer ud til mine forældre" (2016), The New York Times
* "My Journey as a Transgender Woman" (2017), TID
* "Vigtigheden af transsynlighed" (2019), The Washington Post
* "Trans Women of Color:Facing Discrimination in Multiple Spheres" (2020), USA Today
* "Jeg er en transkønnet kvinde, og det er det, jeg vil have dig til at vide" (2021), The Advocate
* "The Power to Pull a String" (2016), C-SPAN
* "We Are Everywhere:Protest, Power and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation" (2022), NPR
* "The History of Pride:A Timeline" (2020), The Today Show
* "The Future of Pride:What We Can Learn from the Past" (2021), PBS NewsHour
* "Vigtigheden af transsynlighed" (2019), MSNBC
* "The Erasure of Trans People in the LGBTQ+ Community" (2019), The Advocate
* "Trans Day of Remembrance:A Day to Honour the Lives of Trans People Lost to Violence" (2020), The Hill
* "Vi skal kæmpe for transrettigheder nu mere end nogensinde" (2021), CNN