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Hvad har forfatteren Hulda Hoover McLean skrevet?

* _Kogebog:Favoritopskrifter af en Iowa Farm Girl_ (1934)

* _American Independence:the Great Upheaval_ (1938)

* _Mainspring:The Story of Human Progress_ (1941)

* _The Education of a Son:Woodrow Wilson and the Future of Democracy_ (1950)

* _Historien om den gamle mission:_ Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo (1952)

* _Drenge og piger fra kolonitiden_ (1954)

* _The Forgotten Diplomat:Herbert Hoover and the Far East_ (1963)

* _How It All Began:Origins of the Western World_ (1966)

* _Jeg møder dig på toppen_ (1968)


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