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Hvad har forfatteren Sandra Scharff Babcock skrevet?


* Valget:Embrace the Possible (2016)

* Lean Out:The Struggle for Gender Equality in Tech and Science (2008)

* Lean In:Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (2013)

* Smarte kvinder, smarte valg (2007)

* Kvinder spørger ikke:Negotiation and the Gender Divide (2004)


* "Myten om den perfekte arbejder" (New York Times, 2014)

* "Why Women Don't Ask" (Harvard Business Review, 2003)

* "Lean Out:The Struggle for Gender Equality in Tech and Science" (Forbes, 2008)

* "Women at Work:The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" (The Atlantic, 2010)

* "The Future of Work:How to Create a More Flexible Workplace" (Time, 2016)


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