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Hvad har forfatteren Anton Cuffari skrevet?


- "Meditationer på korset:Find åndelig fornyelse i Kristi lidenskab" (2012)

- "Troens, håbets og kærlighedens veje:Living a Life of Spiritual Vibrancy" (2014)

- "The Saint John's Bible:Revelations" (2015)

- "At finde Gud i det almindelige:En ekstraordinær spirituel rejse gennem hverdagen" (2016)

- "The Saint John's Bible:Creation to Revelation" (2017)

- "The Heart of the Matter:A Personal Retreat with Mother Teresa" (2018)

- "The Book of Hope:A Survival Guide for Trying Times" (2020)

- "Embracing the Present:A Call to Unplug and Live Fully in the Now" (2022)


- "The Saint John's Bible" (2009)

- "The Passion:Stories of Faith, Hope and Love" (2011)

- "Mother Teresa:Love and Mercy" (2012)

- "The Cross:Symbol of Triumph" (2013)

- "The Holy Land:Journey to the Heart" (2014)

- "Eukaristien:Levende brød fra himlen" (2015)

- "Mary Magdalene:The Apostle to the Apostles" (2016)

- "Inkarnationens mysterium:Gud-med-os" (2017)

- "Hellige og syndere" (2018)

- "In Search of Meaning:Life, Death, and the Afterlife" (2019)


- "Omfavnelse af mysteriet om guddommelig barmhjertighed"

- "Gå i apostlenes fodspor"

- "Søgen efter den historiske Jesus"

- "De store pilgrimsrejser"

- "At finde Gud i alle ting"

- "Verdens største religiøse bygninger"

- "Hellig Land:Troens rejse"

- "The Pope:A History of the Pavedømme"

- "Rosakransen:En bønrejse"

- "The Saints:A Celebration of Faith"


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