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Hvad har forfatteren Clarence C Fuller skrevet?


- Narratologi i fiktionen af ​​James Weldon Johnson

- Soul Talk:The Language of African American Literature

- The Life and Poetry of Melvin B. Tolson:A Critical Introduction


- "Metaforer af teksten:Noter om James Weldon Johnsons retorik" (African Literature Today, 1985)

- "Bluestraditionens betydning for afroamerikansk litteratur" (Black American Literature Forum, 1990)

- "The African-American Literary Canon:A Critical Perspective" (College English, 1993)

- "The Poetics of Jazz in the Works of Ralph Ellison" (Callaloo, 1995)

- "The Critical Reception of African-American Poetry:A Historical Survey" (African American Review, 1997)

- "The African-American Novel:A Changing Context" (MELUS, 2000)

- "The Language of African-American Literature:A Historical Perspective" (African American Research Perspectives, 2002)

- "Betydningen af ​​Harlem-renæssancen for afroamerikansk litteratur" (African American Review, 2004)

- "Role of the African-American Intellectual in American Society:A Historical Perspective" (Journal of African American History, 2006)

- "The Future of African-American Literature:A Critical Assessment" (African American Review, 2008)


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