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Hvad har forfatteren James William Bushnell skrevet?


* The Great Unconformity:Our Universe's Most Found Secret (2021)

* Dark Ecology (2018)

* Coalescence:The Unification of Science, Art, and Religion (2015)

* I Silico veritas:The Dawn of the Virtual Reality Renaissance (2012)

* Sammensmeltende virkeligheder (2008)

* Quantum Singularity:The Unification of Mind and Matter (2006)

Essays og artikler:

* "The Great Unconformity:A Theory of Everything" (2021)

* "The Dark Ecology of our Climate Crisis" (2018)

* "Koalescens:Enheden af ​​videnskab, kunst og religion" (2015)

* "In Silico Veritas:Virtual Reality as a New Paradigm for Thought" (2012)

* "The Coalescent Universe" (2008)

* "The Quantum Singularity:Unifying Mind and Matter" (2006)

Andre værker:

* Vært på tv-serien "The Great Unconformity" (2021 – i dag)

* Producer af dokumentarfilmen "Dark Ecology:Our Climate Crisis" (2018)

* Medstifter af Coalescence Foundation (2015)

* Medstifter af Quantum Singularity Institute (2006)


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