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Hvad har forfatteren Marjaleena Repo-Davis skrevet?

Bøger af Marjaleena Repo-Davis:

_A Tale Beyond The Veil_:

- Bog I:Fra Jordens mørke (A Book One in a Saga Book)

- Bog II:Mørkets lys (A Book Two in a Saga Book)

- Bog III:Into Eternity (A Book Three in a Saga Book)

- Box-Set Collection (Alle tre sagabøger):Fra Jordens mørke, Mørkets lys, ind i evigheden

_Shadow Chronicles:_

- The Shadow's Child:Origins (bog IV i A Tale Beyond The Veil Series)

- Shadows' Rise:Betrayal (bog V i A Tale Beyond The Veil Series)

_Samlinger af fantasy/fiktionnoveller:_

- Fortællinger fra Whisperscape

- Whisperscape II:Beyond Darkness

- Whisperscape III:Dreamscape Visions

- Whisperscape IV:Nightweaver's Realm


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