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Hvad skrev forfatteren Carl Amery?


* *The Surrender of Nature - On the Critique of Ecology* (1972)

* *Forsynets ende - Fremskridtets nådesløse logik og konsekvenserne for menneskeheden* (1974)

* *Naturen as Politics - The Ecological Challenge of Man* (1978)

* *The Club of Rome and the Limits to Growth* (1979)

* *The Century of Environmental Destruction - A Balance Sheet* (1982)

* *Man in the Universe - A Biological, Cultural and Ecological History* (1984)

* *The Ecological Revolution - A Strategy for Survival* (1989)

* *The Message of Thunder - A History of the Weather* (1994)

* *Rejsen indad - en selvbiografi* (1997)

* *The Secret of Life - A Natural Philosophical Investigation* (2000)


* *The Fall of the City of Passau - A Story* (1975)

* *The Message of the Dead Birds - A Story* (1978)

* *Månens død - en historie* (1980)

* *The Last Voyage of Odysseus - A Story* (1982)

* *Tidens hemmelighed - en historie* (1984)

* *The Sinking of the Titanic - A Story* (1986)

* *The Curse of the Pharaohs - A Story* (1988)

* *The End of the World - A Story* (1990)

* *The Return of the Gods - A Story* (1992)

* *Rejsen til Utopia - En historie* (1994)


* *The Last Days of Pompeii - A Drama* (1976)

* *The Fall of the Roman Empire - A Drama* (1978)

* *Holocaust - Et drama* (1980)

* *Vietnamkrigen - et drama* (1982)

* *The Chernobyl Disaster - A Drama* (1986)

* *Berlinmurens fald - et drama* (1989)

* *Golfkrigen - Et drama* (1991)

* *11. september 2001 - Et drama* (2003)

* *Klimaændringer - et drama* (2005)

* *The Financial Crisis - A Drama* (2008)


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