* "De dødes klagesang" (2006)
* "The Last Refuge of the Dammed" (2009)
* "The Chronicles of the Undead:Rise of the Damned" (2010)
* "The Chronicles of the Undead:City of the Dead" (2011)
* "The Chronicles of the Undead:The Reckoning" (2012)
* "Tales from the Dead:A Collection of Short Horror Stories" (2007)
* "The Dead Rise:More Tales from the Dead" (2008)
* "Shadows in the Night:Tales of the Supernatural" (2013)
* "De udødes historie:Fra gamle myter til moderne rædsel" (2014)
* "Hrror Movies:A Critical Guide" (2015)
* "The Art of Horror:Essays on Horror Fiction" (2016)