Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøger >> Forfattere

Hvad har forfatteren Mary B Damon skrevet?


- "Damnation Island" (2006)

- "The Dark of the Woods" (2007)

- "Skyggernes ø" (2008)

- "Et mørkt rum og et stearinlys" (2009)

- "Stencirklen" (2010)

- "The Witches of Willow Cove" (2011)

- "The Ghosts of Stonebarrow Hall" (2012)

- "The Secret of Shadowbrook Abbey" (2013)

- "The Mystery of Raven's Keep" (2014)

- "The Lost Treasures of Willow Creek" (2015)

- "The Enigma of Exeter Crescent" (2016)

- "The Shadows of Hawthorne House" (2017)

- "The Haunting of Ravenscliff Hall" (2018)

- "The Curse of Ravenscar Manor" (2019)

- "The Secret of Ravencliff Hall" (2020)

- "The Puzzle of Ravenswick Manor" (2021)

- "The Enigma of Ravensmoor Castle" (2022)

- "The Mystery of Ravenscroft Hall" (2023)

- "The Ghost of Whiteholm Grange" (2023)


- "The Legend of Ravenholme Castle" (2022)

- "The Mystery of Ravenstone Hall" (2023)

- "The Ghost of Ravensford Manor" (2023)


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