- *Historien om den presbyterianske kirke i USA* (1839)
- *The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America* (1840)
- *Systematisk teologi* (1840-1841)
- *Den presbyterianske kirkes trosbekendelse i USA:med forklarende bemærkninger* (1841)
- *Den presbyterianske kirkes regering og disciplin i USA:med noter* (1842)
- *Den presbyterianske kirkes regeringsform i USA:med noter* (1843)
- *The Book of Common Prayer fra den presbyterianske kirke i USA:med noter* (1844)
- *Davids salmer med noter, forklarende og praktiske* (1846)
- *En kommentar til den presbyterianske kirkes trosbekendelse i USA* (1851)
- *En kommentar til den presbyterianske kirkes kortere katekismus i USA* (1852)
- "The Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1861)
- "The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1862)
- "The Government and Discipline of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1863)
- "The Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1864)
- "The Book of Common Prayer of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1865)
- "The Psalms of David, with Notes, Explanatory and Practical" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1866)
- "A Commentary on the Presbyterian Church Confession of Faith in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1867)
- "A Commentary on the Shorter Catechism of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" i *The American Presbyterian Review* (1868)
Andre skrifter:
- *Predikener ved forskellige lejligheder* (1840)
- *Forelæsninger om systematisk teologi* (1841)
- *Breve om den presbyterianske kirkes skik* (1842)
- *A Defense of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America* (1843)
- *En retfærdiggørelse af den presbyterianske kirke i USA* (1844)
- *Et svar på Dr. Samuel Millers angreb på den presbyterianske kirke i USA* (1845)
- *En tilbagevisning af Dr. Samuel Millers anklager mod den presbyterianske kirke i Amerikas Forenede Stater* (1846)
- *En gennemgang af den seneste strid mellem Old School og New School Presbyterian Churches* (1847)
- *En historie om den presbyterianske kirke i USA fra de ældste tider til i dag* (1848)
- *Et kompendium over den presbyterianske kirkes historie i USA* (1849)