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Hvad har forfatteren James Kinross skrevet?


* _The Passionate Pilgrim_ (1981)

* _The Rosebud Necklace_ (1982)

* _The Tartan Tycoon_ (1984)

* _The White Rose of Scotland_ (1985)

* _The Highlander's Kiss_ (1986)

* _The Border Laird's Bride_ (1987)

* _The Highland Chieftain's Bride_ (1988)

* _The Laird of the Mist_ (1989)

* _The Highland Warrior_(1990)

* _The Dark Highlander_ (1991)

* _The Reluctant Highlander_ (1992)

* _The Fiery Highlander_ (1993)

* _The Defiant Highlander_ (1994)

* _The Rebelious Highlander_ (1995)

* _The Savage Highlander_(1996)

* _Den utæmmede højlander_ (1997)

* _Den uberørte højlander_ (1998)

* _The Forbidden Highlander_ (1999)

* _The Lost Highlander_ (2000)

* _Den vilde højlander_ (2001)

* _Den dristige højlander_ (2002)

* _The Viking Highlander_ (2003)

* _The Valiant Highlander_ (2004)


* _A Highlander's Life:The Real Story of Rob Roy MacGregor_ (1983)

* _The Clans of Scotland:A History_ (1984)

* _Scottish Battles:A History_ (1985)

* _Castles of Scotland:A History_ (1986)

* _Skotske legender og myter_ (1987)

* _Scottish Poetry:An Anthology_ (1988)

* _Scottish Music:A History_ (1989)

* _Scottish Art:A History_ (1990)

* _Scottish Architecture:A History_ (1991)

* _Scottish Culture:A History_ (1992)


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