* Min bedstefars eventyr (1922)
* Under uret (1924)
* Cricket Memories (1946)
* Off the Beaten Track (1947)
* Til sporten (1949)
* Happy Odyssey (1950)
* Playing Fields (1951)
* Cricketers on the Hearth (1953)
* Dage at huske (1955)
* The Life and Times of Tommy Longfield (1957)
* Playing the Game (1961)
* Så vidt jeg kan huske (1970)
* The Allhusens (1975)
* Gode dage (1981)
* "Flagermusen der kom tilbage" (1931)
* "The Ghost Batsman" (1932)
* "The Long Innings" (1933)
* "The Last of the Giants" (1934)
* "Den perfekte sæson" (1935)
* "Testkampen" (1936)
* "The Ashes" (1937)
* "VM" (1938)
* "Århundredet" (1939)
* "Det dobbelte århundrede" (1940)
* "Det tredobbelte århundrede" (1941)
* "The Grand Slam" (1942)
* "The Golden Age of Cricket" (1943)
* "The Future of Cricket" (1944)
* "Cricket in the Sky" (1945)