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Hvad har forfatteren Theodore Cuyler Young skrevet?


- 1917:Fra Verdun til Vogeserne

- 1919:Slaget ved Amiens

- 1920:The American Army in the Great War:A Chronicle

- 1921:Guests of Hercules:Some reminiscences of life and service in the Ottoman Empire and Otherwhere

- 1922:Hellas og Balkankrigene

- 1928:Motorkørsel langs rivieraen om vinteren:En række underholdende foredrag på Middelhavets azurblå kyst

Artikler og noveller:

- 1917:"Min første dag ved fronten" (Harper's Magazine)

- 1918:"The Spirit of the French Army" (The Atlantic Monthly)

- 1918:"The American Soldiers in Battle" (The Saturday Evening Post)

- 1920:"The Battle of the Marne:A Personal Narrative" (The New York Times Magazine)

- 1922:"The Greek National Idea:A Study in Balkan Politics" (Foreign Affairs)

- 1925:"The Road to Stamboul:A Reminiscens of the First World War" (The Yale Review)

- 1931:"The Turkish Capitulations:A Historical Survey" (The American Journal of International Law)

- 1938:"The Coming Struggle for the Mediterranean:A Forecast of the Next World War" (Harper's Magazine)


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