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Hvad har forfatteren Sue Evan-Wong skrevet?


* Jadespejlet

* Det Hundrede

* Bogen om hundrede sorger

* Sangen om Jadebjerget

* Månekongens døtre


* The Jade Mirror (tilpasset fra hendes roman)

* The One Hundred (tilpasset fra hendes roman)


* "The Jade Mirror" (i _Whispers of the East_, redigeret af Ken Liu)

* "The One Hundred" (i _Uncanny Magazine_, marts-april 2017)

* "The Book of One Hundred Sorrows" (i _The Book of Dragons_, redigeret af Jonathan Strahan)

* "The Song of the Jade Mountain" (i _The Mammoth Book of SF Stories af Women_, redigeret af Alex Dally MacFarlane)

* "The Daughters of the Moon-King" (i _The Future is Female!, redigeret af Navah Wolfe og Dominik Parisien)

Andre værker

* "Reflections on the Jade Mirror:A Conversation with Sue-Ellen Welfonder," interview af Ken Liu (_Fantasy &Science Fiction_, marts-april 2017)

* "The Making of The One Hundred," essay (_Uncanny Magazine_, marts-april 2017)


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